The UK Team arrived in Deblin on Tuesday, with the only mishap
being the gearbox on Pete Christy's car, which has unfortunately
broken. But otherwise all has gone well for the UK Team. So far
the UK Team have met the Americans, Japanese, Israelis, Australians
and Venezuelans. They are sharing their practice site with the Israelis
and Australians. Apparently the Israelis have an 11 year old in
their team, and his flying has been described as OK! - he flys a
Hirobo Eagle much to the delight of the Christy's. The weather has
been good today, unlike the monsoon the team encountered on the
drive through to get there, which together with the gearbox problem
made for a safe but terrible journey. Some of the Canadians (the
Grays) were reportedly driving from Berlin - an unofficial estimate
says they MIGHT get to Deblin next week sometime (yes, the roads
are THAT good!)
