Here's a brief account of the days events: Round
1 of the fly-off is over, rounds 2 & 3 are tomorrow. Mark Christy
was up first, and didn't have a particularly good round.
It got off to a bad start when he was told to start, and then had
to sit there for ages because the judges weren't ready. Eventually
he shut down, re-fuelled and restarted, and the organizers reset
the clock.
Then the wind started playing him up. It was very light and 90 degrees
to the flightline. He couldn't decide which way to do the aeros.
He eventually decided to do them cack-handed ( as in Vienna ) but
apparently hasn't practised much that way recently. His round was
OK, but not up to his usual standards.
Luckily, neither was anyone else. No-one put in a stunning round,
and it looked as if Mark would maintain his position at 11th, until
Scott Gray crashed terminally during the roll reversal! It looks
like a link broke on his swashplate (CCPM). The model had just got
inverted on the second roll when it half looped straight into the
deck! Poor guy was gutted, 1st crash of the contest!
Consequently Mark has moved up to 10th, but not the way he wanted
Hashimoto is leading, and needs only one more round to retain his
title. He doesn't even have to win a round, just beat Curtis! (If
I have my sums right....!) Curtis' round was not up to his usual
standards, and he was tied by Rudiger Feil (!!!) in 2nd place.
None of the Americans or Japanese team members have flown particuarly
memorable rounds - good, but not to the standards we were expecting!
Only the Germans have surprised everyone! Mark Christy is kicking
himself for a missed opportunity. If he had flown to his normal
standards he could have been up in 5th or higher, however, tomorrow
is another day! At least his day wasn't as bad as Scott's.....!
The full results are available from the two sites listed on our
links page, just click the button above.
"B1" Total (to date)
1 Hashimoto (Jap) 1000
2 Youngblood (USA) 967.5 983.42
3 Sensui (Jap) 979.93
978.44 1958.37
4 Mann (USA)
986.02 970.15 1956.17
5 Feil (Ger)
958.02 983.42 1941.44
6 Kunii (Jap) 969.82
948.52 1918.41
7 Kobayashe (Jap) 937.37
963.52 1900.89
8 Hoenle (Ger) 980.88
897.18 1878.06
9 Shilling (USA) 941.32
890.55 1831.86
10 Christy (UK) 904.47
872.31 1776.77
11 Kastiel (Isr) 871.27
852.4 1723.67
12 Roessner (Ger) 878.64
829.19 1707.82
13 Lombard (Fra) 864.09
840.8 1704.89
14 Lien (Taipei) 887.24
766.17 1653.4
15 Gray (Can) 907.14
404.64 1311.79

